New Book Out

book, fiction, novella, Spain, story, Uncategorized, women writing

This little fella, Ghosts Treading Water, book three in the Spanish Spectres series, is now out on Kindle, and should be out in paperback any day now. Maybe even today….

Full list of books available at


Stick Dance

poetry, Uncategorized

Stick Dance
I’m caked in history, upside down on your street,
my silhouette cutting singers in black and white,
dizzy between the streets, amassing description.

I come clean, blow a path through talcum powder
and cheap hotel bars of soap, use chicken bones
to lure you, but it isn’t high school and

you are provoked into fury. I’m afraid it won’t be
played out when my tap shoes confront your
steel-capped boots in the elbow of corridors.

We roll in coffee grains, smelling so good
I decide to repeat this game with subsequent lovers,
to scatter coffee in all of my rooms.

I smear myself in Vaseline and am arrested
when I use you without permission
in my stick dance, my stroll dance.

First published in Ink, Sweat and Tears:

All over Jack


All over Jack

Jack, torn of corner, bitten, no heart. You promise
wealth, beyond the disputing pack, say certain wisdom
can be bought. I demand a wedding feast with broken
ribs, a Honeymoon, masks, whips, riding boots, and Venice.

Hitching up trousers for kisses outside the Greek shop.
you ask how long before police recognise my glossy robes,
pelt of rat. I feel as split open as a pomegranate, red orbs,
waiting to be pricked, my juice spilled extravagantly.

First published in issue 16, Under the Radar magazine, Feb 2016